"Children of a Lesser Bog"


When Futurama was revived on Hulu in 2022, I returned to the Matt Groening series after having storyboarded on the show's original run twenty years earlier.  This episode tackles parenthood as Kif must decide between spending time with Amy and the kids, or rescuing Zapp Brannigan from a hostile planet.

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"Related to Items You Viewed"


Fry and Leela move in together, ordering all new furniture and appliances from behemoth on-line retailer Mom-azon.  However, Fry goes overboard and buys multiples of the same items, like five refrigerators and seven mattresses.  Meanwhile, Bender is tricked into forced labor at Mom-azon's sweatshop factory.

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"Rage Against the Vaccine"


If you thought Futurama wasn't going to tackle the Covid vaccine controversy, then you don't know the show.  Hermes' brilliant wife LaBarbara finds the antidote for a flu-like virus that causes Earth's population to suddenly become pissed off at everything.  But first she needs to test it on her husband.

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"The Prince and the Product"


This Romeo & Juliet-inspired fairytale takes place in a plastic Fisher-Price toy alternate universe inhabited by two feuding societies: bathtub rubber duckies and egg shaped Weeble Wobbles.  Duckie Fry and Egg Leela are star-crossed lovers caught in the middle as their clans go to war over their forbidden love.

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