Seq. 4000 - "Everglades Parade"


Lost and alone in the Everglades, a weary Leo stumbles upon the tribal encampment of the very same circus animals he helped set free earlier in the film.  Their grateful leader, a miniature horse with a Napoleon Complex, repays Leo's good deed by organizing a convoy to escort him back safely to Fort Meyers.

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Seq. 800 - "Meet Mrs. Malkin"


Authoritarian substitute teacher Mrs. Malkin reports for duty and wreaks havoc upon Leo's tranquil fifth grade class, retrieving an array of questionable teaching apparatuses (like brass knuckles) from her endlessly deep Victorian carpetbag.  She's Mary Poppins gone wrong.

Sequence selected by Netflix for submission to 2024 Annie Awards in consideration for
Outstanding Storyboarding in a Feature Production category

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"Meet Mrs. Malkin" Script Pages

Co-director Robert Smigel's rich script pages served up a delicious protagonist in Mrs. Malkin for the Leo story artists to feast on.  She's a crotchety old schoolmarm hell-bent on reimplementing strict teaching methods to modern coddled students.