Seq. 26A - "LeBron Questions Bugs"


Bugs Bunny and LeBron James set out across the Warner Bros. Serververse aboard Marvin the Martian's commandeered ship, on a mission to recruit a championship caliber basketball team.  I pitched this sequence with Bugs donning Marvin's iconic helmet.  It became one of his signature looks for the film.

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Seq. 34C - "Wile E. Coyote/Wizard of Oz"


We needed a quick showcase for The Wizard of Oz world.  I suggested comically leaning into the 1939 film's obviously painted flat backdrop of Emerald City by having the Road Runner speed down the yellow brick road and enter the painting, only to have the pursuing Coyote slam into it.  An oldie but a goodie.

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Seq. 46A - "Marvin's B-Ball Court"


Director Malcolm Lee envisioned a high energy montage of the Looney Tunes’ lives flashing before their eyes as the command bridge floor drops out from below their feet, hurling them rapidly down a seemingly endless elevator shaft towards the bowels of Marvin's ship; the gags pretty much wrote themselves.

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Seq. 46B - "Getting in Shape"


LeBron attempts to retrain the Tune Squad on the fundamentals of basketball and get them back into fighting shape (it has been twenty-five years since their last game, after all).  He has his job cut out for him, as the team's innate cartooniness and zany antics keep derailing his efforts.

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Seq. 46C - "Scrimmage Game"


Choreographing the Hero Tunes vs. Villain Tunes scrimmage game was a labor of love.  This storyboard-driven sequence remained largely unaltered in the final film; vindication that absorbing a steady diet of Warner Bros. cartoons on Saturday mornings was not a wasted youth.

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Sequence 46 Script Pages

While Daffy Duck isn't specifically singled out in the script pages for this sequence, his role as a foil to LeBron and Lola expanded in the story sketch phase.  Originally scripted as a pep talk and a few missed layups, eventually this section evolved to include the Hero Tunes vs. Villain Tunes scrimmage game.


Seq. 46 Story Sketch-to-Final Film Comparison

Ultimately, the bulk of my story sketches for Seq. 46 was trimmed down to a single streamlined training montage.  Lola's layup, Sam "shooting" the ball, and the entirety of the scrimmage game survived (with the only change being the Tasmanian Devil switched to Wile E. Coyote when the piano falls on his head).

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