"I Was a Teenage Gary" (Act One)


Originally titled "Critical Condition", this episode was the second bill on the Season One Halloween Show, paired with "Scaredy Pants".  I storyboarded the first half of this eleven minute episode and my partner Chris Mitchell storyboarded the second half.  

Click Storyboard Grid(s) to View First Half of Episode

Storyboards Only

Storyboards-to-Final Episode Comparison

Original Episode Outline Pages

SpongeBob SquarePants is a storyboard-driven show (as opposed to a script-driven show like The Simpsons or Family Guy).  Our two-person storyboard teams would receive a bullet point cover sheet and 2-3 more detailed outline pages.  The final aired episode  is markedly different from the original outline.  That was the freedom that Stephen Hillenburg afforded his story teams.